How to Forgive and Forget and 10 Tips to Overcome Unresolved Pain

What do you do with pain that never seems to go away? Is forgiveness achievable?

Life is hard. We all know that. But what do we do when life becomes too hard? When we are struggling with pain that seems to never go away. When we feel like we can’t take one more step. In this blog post, we will explore forgiveness and the 10 ways to help you with unresolved pain in order to get your life back. No matter what you are going through, there is hope. You can find healing and forgiveness if you are willing to look for it. Let’s get started.

What is Forgiveness and Why Is It Important?

Forgiveness is when you stop being angry at someone who has hurt you. It is about giving up the desire to get revenge. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help us deal with unresolved pain.

It can be difficult to forgive someone who has hurt us, but it is not about them. It is about releasing the anger and resentment that we are holding onto. Forgiving someone does not mean that we are saying that what they did was okay. It does not mean that we are forgetting what happened. Forgiveness is about giving ourselves peace.

When we forgive, we are choosing to move on from the pain. We are choosing to heal. This can be a difficult process, but it is worth it.

forgiveness 10 tips for unresolved pain

What Are the Five Types of Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help us to deal with unresolved pain. There are five different types of forgiveness, and it is important to understand the differences between them.

Full Forgiveness

Full forgiveness is forgiving someone unconditionally. This type is often seen as the most difficult to achieve. When we forgive someone unconditionally, we are forgiving them for everything that they have done. Keep in mind, we are not holding anything against them. We are not expecting anything from them. We are simply choosing to forgive them.

Partial Forgiveness

Partial forgiveness is forgiving someone for some of the hurt that they have caused. This type is often seen as easier to achieve than full forgiveness. When we forgive someone partially, we are still holding onto some of the anger and resentment. We may still expect something from them. But we are choosing to forgive them for some of the hurt that they have caused.

forgiveness 10 tips for unresolved pain

Conditional Forgiveness

Conditional forgiveness is forgiving someone with conditions. This type is often seen as less difficult to achieve than full forgiveness. When we forgive someone with conditions, we are forgiving them for what they have done, but we are also setting boundaries. We are not going to allow them to hurt us again. We may still expect something from them. But we are choosing to forgive them with conditions.

False Forgiveness

False forgiveness is forgiveness that is not genuine. It is forgiveness that is given for the wrong reasons. When we forgive someone falsely, we are not doing it because we want to. We are doing it because we feel like we have to. We are doing it because we want to make them happy or because we want to move on from the pain.

If you are still feeling anger and hate even though you think you have forgiven them, then this may be false forgiveness.


Unforgiveness is when we choose not to forgive someone. This type of forgiveness is often seen as the most harmful to us. When we choose not to forgive someone, we are choosing to hold onto the anger and resentment that we are feeling. We are choosing to let the pain control our lives.

Unforgiveness can also be seen as a form of self-sabotage. Choosing not to forgive, can lead to us making decisions that are not in our best interests. It can lead to us harming ourselves or others.

forgiveness 10 tips for unresolved pain

The Process of Forgiveness

The process of forgiveness can be difficult, but it is so worth it. When we forgive, we are choosing to heal. Here we will discuss the steps that we can take to help us with forgiveness.

Acknowledge the hurt that was caused.

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When someone hurts us, it is natural to feel angry and resentful. We may feel like we want to lash out at them or ignore them altogether. But before we can even begin to forgive, we need to acknowledge the hurt that was caused. We need to take the time to feel our emotions and understand what we are feeling.

Allow yourself to feel the pain.

Allowing ourselves to feel the pain is one of the most difficult things that we can do. But it is so important. When we ignore our pain, it only gets worse. We need to take the time to feel our emotions and understand what we are feeling. We need to allow ourselves to grieve the hurt that was caused.

Choose to forgive.

Forgiveness is a choice. It is something that we have to actively decide to do. We can’t force forgiveness. It is something that we have to choose for ourselves.

When we choose to forgive, we are choosing to release the anger and resentment that we are feeling. We are choosing to let go of the pain.

  • Take your time. There is no rush when it comes to forgiveness. It is a process that takes time. We need to be patient with ourselves and allow ourselves the time that we need to heal.
  • Start small. Forgiveness doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing. We can start small. If we are having trouble forgiving someone for everything, start by forgiving them for one thing. Then move on to forgiveness for another thing.
forgiveness 10 tips for unresolved pain

Release the anger and resentment.

Anger and resentment can be difficult emotions to deal with. They can consume us and make it difficult to move on. But there is hope. We can release the anger and resentment that we are holding onto.

Give yourself peace.

When we are struggling with unresolved pain, it can be difficult to find peace. We may feel like we are constantly reliving the hurt that was caused. We may feel like we can’t move on. But there is hope. We can find peace if we are willing to look for it.

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help us to deal with unresolved pain. It can be difficult to forgive someone who has hurt us, but forgiveness is not about them. It is about releasing the anger and resentment that we are holding onto. Forgiveness is about giving ourselves peace.

forgiveness 10 tips for unresolved pain

When we forgive, we are choosing to move on from the pain. We are choosing to heal. Forgiveness is a strength, not a weakness. If you are struggling to forgive, reach out for help. Talk to a therapist or counselor who can assist you in the process. forgiveness can help you to get your life back. No matter what you are going through, there is hope. You can find healing and forgiveness if you are willing to look for it. For more help with forgiveness, check out the following resources:

What If You Can’t Forgive?

If you are struggling to forgive, that is okay. forgiveness is not easy. It can be a long and difficult process. But it is so worth it. forgiveness will help you to heal the pain that is within you. It will help you to move on from the hurt that was caused.

Forgiveness is a decision. It is something that you have to actively choose to do. If you are struggling to forgive, reach out for help. Talk to a therapist or counselor who can assist you in the process.

10 Ways to Help You with Unresolved Pain

When we are struggling with unresolved pain, it can be difficult to find peace. We may feel like we are constantly reliving the hurt that was caused. We may feel like we can’t move on. But there is hope. We can find peace if we are willing to look for it.

10 tips for unresolved pain

1. Talk to a therapist

When we are struggling with unresolved pain, talking to a therapist can be incredibly helpful. A therapist can assist us in the process of forgiveness and can help us to move on from the hurt that was caused. If you are struggling to forgive, reach out for help.

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Forgiveness is a decision. It is something that you have to actively choose to do. If you are struggling to forgive, reach out for help. Talk to a therapist or counselor who can assist you in the process. There is no shame in seeking help when it comes to forgiveness. Forgiveness is a strength, not a weakness.

2. Exercise

When we are struggling with unresolved pain, exercise can be a great way to help us. Exercise can help us to release the anger and resentment that we are holding onto. It can help us to find peace.

When we exercise, we are releasing feel-good hormones into our bodies. These hormones can help us to feel better emotionally and can help us to find peace.

3. Write in a journal

Keeping a journal can be a great way to work through forgiveness. When we write in a journal, we are able to express our thoughts and feelings. This can be a great way to process the pain that we are feeling.

Writing in a journal can also help us to reflect on our journey to forgiveness. We can track our progress and see how far we have come.

forgiveness 10 tips for unresolved pain

4. Take up meditation or mindfulness

In order to forgive, we first have to acknowledge the pain that we are feeling. We have to allow ourselves to feel the hurt that was caused. Meditation and mindfulness can be great tools for helping us to do this.

When we meditate or practice mindfulness, we are focusing on the present moment. We are allowing ourselves to be in the moment, without judgment. This can be a great way to acknowledge the pain that we are feeling and to begin the forgiveness process.

5. Spend time with loved ones

When we are struggling with unresolved pain, spending time with loved ones can be a great way to help us. Loved ones can provide us with support and can help us to feel loved and accepted.

When we spend time with loved ones, we are able to connect with them on a deeper level. We are able to share our thoughts and feelings with them. This can be a great way to begin the forgiveness process.

Loved ones can also help us to see things from a different perspective. They can help us to understand why it is important.

Spending time with loved ones is an important part of the process. It is a great way to find support and understanding.

6. Find a support group

When we are struggling with unresolved pain, it can be difficult to find forgiveness. We may feel like we are alone in our pain. But there is hope. There are many resources available to us. We can find forgiveness if we are willing to look for it.

10 tips for unresolved pain

One great resource is a support group. A support group can provide us with a safe space to share our thoughts and feelings. We can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. This can be a great way to begin the forgiveness process.

There are many different types of support groups available. You can find one that meets your specific needs.

7. Seek out positive affirmations

When we are struggling with forgiveness, positive affirmations can be a great way to help us. Positive affirmations can help us to focus on the positive and can help us to see things from a different perspective.

When we repeat positive affirmations, we are programming our minds to believe them. We are telling ourselves that we are capable of forgiveness. Some great positive affirmations to use during the forgiveness process include:

  • I am worthy of forgiving them.
  • I am capable of giving forgiveness.
  • Forgiving them is possible.
  • I can forgive.

Repeating these affirmations can help us to believe them. And when we believe them, forgiveness becomes possible.

Positive affirmations are a great way to help us during the forgiveness process. They can help us to focus on the positive and to believe that forgiveness is possible for us.

8. Practice forgiveness

Forgiveness is not something that comes easy to everyone. It can be a difficult process. But it is worth the effort. When we forgive, we are freeing ourselves from the pain of the past. We are allowing ourselves to move on with our lives.

There are many different ways to practice forgiveness. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Write a letter to the person you need to forgive. Include all of your thoughts and feelings. Then, destroy the letter or give it to the person you are forgiving.
  • Talk to the person you need to forgive. Tell them how they hurt you and why forgiving them is important to you.
  • Make a list. Write down all of the people and experiences you need to forgive. Forgive them one by one.

Practicing forgiveness is an important part of the forgiveness process. It can help us to let go of the pain of the past and to move on with our lives.

forgiveness 10 tips for unresolved pain

9. Connect with nature

Nature can be a great source of healing and forgiveness. When we connect with nature, we are able to connect with something larger than ourselves. We are able to tap into the beauty and power of the natural world.

Nature can help us to find peace and forgiveness. When we are surrounded by nature, we are able to relax and let go of our stress and anxiety. We are able to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Spending time in nature is a great way to deal with unresolved pain. It can help us to find forgiveness and peace.

10. Explore different forms of self-care

Self-care is an important part of the forgiveness process. When we are struggling with forgiveness, it can be helpful to take a break from the world and focus on ourselves. We can do this by exploring different forms of self-care.

Some great ways to explore self-care include:

  • Taking a yoga class
  • Going for a massage

Taking a yoga class or going for a massage are great ways to relax and focus on ourselves. They can help us to find forgiveness and peace.

10 tips for unresolved pain

Final Thoughts

No matter what you are going through, there is hope. You can find healing and forgiveness if you are willing to look for it.

In this blog post, we have explored forgiveness as a way to deal with unresolved pain. We have looked at what forgiveness is, who needs our forgiveness, and the process of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a choice that we make to heal. It is not easy, but it is so worth it. If you are struggling with unresolved pain, I hope that this blog post has helped you in some way.

What are your thoughts on forgiveness? Have you struggled with forgiveness in the past? What has helped you to forgive? Share your story in the comments below.

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